Dear Spring, Please Get Here Soon...
Well, I don't know about you, but I've had about enough of winter. This has been one of the coldest and wettest winters we've had in a long while.

Reminder of Spring
I'm ready for cherry blossoms, baseball, tee shirts, bike rides, dog walks, and whatever else involves releasing the grip of one's rumpus from the couch. We had a touch of the good stuff this past weekend, but it was only a tease. With about three weeks left until spring, we'll still have our share of cold snaps. If you want more good news, the National Weather Service has put out their climatological forecast, or best guess, about what March may be like. They're calling for a colder and wetter than average start to spring. Uuuuughh!! Let's hope they're wrong!
As for me, I'll just stick with forecasting no more than seven days out. Hope for a hurried spring will rest on the eighth day!
Ben Jones, Chief Meteorologist
I agree with you bring on spring time, I am so ready!
February 24, 2010 at 11:13 AM
I must not belong in this city because I LOVE cold weather, namely snow. Bring it on. BUT...I do get tired of it eventually and welcome the Spring weather.
March 7, 2010 at 11:17 PM
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